Leadership in the Public Sector

We conduct specialized Leadership in the Public Sector training for civil services and unionized staff of government agencies and private sector personnel. Find below an overview of our Leadership Certificate training: A five day professional development workshop for CEO, Managers and Elected officials.

Module Description:
Learning Outcomes
Detail: This module will explore the viabilities of public sector leadership in a constrained environment. Roles of unions, unresponsive politics. A look at why and how and examination of public sector leadership from different angles and focus on the roles of public sector leaders and available tools at their disposal to make a difference.


  •  Discussion on the various theories of leadership and how they relate to skills in the public sector
  • Discern the differences between Leadership and Management roles
  • Recognize the differences and opportunities that present themselves to Public sector leaders.
  • Analyze why leaders fail
  • Apply motivational methods to encourage performance
  • Develop a leadership roadmap for themselves and their organization