Archives April 2016

Leadership training

Leading Teams on Change Management Training

We conduct “Leading Teams on Change Management” training for civil services and unionized staff of government agencies and private sector personnel. Find below an overview of our Leadership Certificate training: A five day professional development workshop for CEO, Managers and Elected officials.


Module Description: Learning Outcomes
Detail:  Change is constant; therefore, the ability to understand and to manage change is an essential skill for organizations.

Focus on organizational change management needs and the importance of acquiring the knowledge and tools to implement change effectively.

Exploration of the tools to implement changes effectively and to have those changes better

accepted and ways for understanding and managing people’s reactions to changes.

  • Master strategies for building support for the planned change
  •  Learn how to use WIIFM (the individual motivators for change) effectively
  • Ensuring that people involved and affected by the change understand the process change
  • Understand everybody’s personal change journey
  •  Develop a change management & communications plan Gain methods for leading change project status meetings, how to celebrate a successful change and sharing the results & benefits of the change
  • Master strategies for aligning people with change, appealing to emotions & facts
  • Identifying and agreeing the success indicators for change, and ensure they are regularly measured and reported on.


Policy analysis

Policy Analysis/Leading Teams on Change Management Training

Our Policy Analysis/Leading Teams And  Change Management training program is unique.

Module Description: Learning Outcomes
Detail: An examination of the practice of policy analysis in the broad context of the theory and practice of public policy. Steps that can ensure policy success and or lead to policies fail.

Steps to ensuring that that policies stay

relevant and responsive. Focus on the particularities of government/management and examples from all levels of government that have an impact on local issues.



·         Discussion on various theories of public policy and how they shape the approach to policy analysis

·         Explore the various opportunities for analysis offered by the policy cycle

·         Examination of the merits of various policy “tools” Discern the impacts of policy on programs and vice versa

·         Application of standard method of policy analysis Probe the reasons why policies fail and or succeed.


Group training

Sustainability Strategies For The Public Sector Training


Module Description: Learning Outcomes
Detail: This module will explore the subject of

sustainability (or sustainable development), its

meaning and origins and how it relates to

different sectors of society, with a focus on

local governments. The various roles of local

government in fostering both corporate and

community sustainability will be explored and

strategies will be developed to achieve these


Corporate culture change strategy developed.

  •  Enhanced understanding of sustainability from the personal, business and government perspective;
  •  Ability to identify sustainability roles for governments, industries, labour and community roles;
  • Development of strategies for State and federal leadership in sustainability;
  •  Understanding of approaches for creating a culture of sustainability in the public sector, and Personal commitment to becoming a change agent.
communications skills training

High Impact Communication Skills

Module Description: Learning Outcomes
Detail: A reflection on our own experience with conflict, and then proceed to learn about its causes, impacts, personal style in relating to conflict and stress; and then exploration of a variety of ‘tools’ and ideas to help participants deal more effectively with conflict in both their personal and professional lives. In addition, focus on effective negotiation and presents key ideas such as ‘separating the people from the

problem’, ‘determining interests not positions’,

‘inventing options’, ‘using objective criteria’,

‘developing a BATNA’ (best alternative to a

negotiated agreement), ‘dealing with

resistance’ and ‘the power of a positive no’.

·         Understand how conflict arises in the workplace; and what the impact and costs are of conflict in motivational and financial terms

·         Describe many of the key ideas in the book, ‘Crucial Conversations’ as well as many other practical ‘tools’ for dealing with conflict effectively

·         Understand one’s own conflict style, as and the related strengths and weaknesses of that style

·         Describe the key components of Interest Based Negotiation and the related phases of conducting this type of negotiation

·         Understand several of the key issues that emerge in negotiations and how to handle these issues professionally

·         Develop personalized action plans so as to conduct a “crucial conversation” and an “Interest Based Negotiation


Civil service training

Managing in an Unionized/Civil Services Environment

We conduct specialized training for civil services and unionized staff of government agencies and private sector personnel. Find below an overview of our Leadership Certificate training: A five day professional development workshop for CEO, Managers and Elected officials.

Module Description: Learning Outcomes
 Detail: This module will look at the Human capital and skills needed by every public sector manager, starting with initial recruitment decisions that respect the collective agreements, current

Human Rights legislation but still allows organizations to hire for fit. Review of recruitment

process, understanding of the nature of compensation and benefits programs, reward and recognition, the creation of positive work environments and how to best address various labour relations issues. Awareness training of the importance of ethics and integrity are also part of an outstanding manager’s responsibilities.

·         Improved leadership skills as they apply to managing in a unionized environment

·         Improve skills in interpreting and understanding various provisions of a collective agreement

·         Understanding of the process by which staff in the public sector become unionized

·         Better understanding on how to motivate and empower staff while managing performance through the process of simple discussion and coaching skills

·         Appreciation of the importance and value of ethics in an organization and ways if and encouraging staff to act with integrity

Public sector training

Leadership in the Public Sector

We conduct specialized Leadership in the Public Sector training for civil services and unionized staff of government agencies and private sector personnel. Find below an overview of our Leadership Certificate training: A five day professional development workshop for CEO, Managers and Elected officials.

Module Description:
Learning Outcomes
Detail: This module will explore the viabilities of public sector leadership in a constrained environment. Roles of unions, unresponsive politics. A look at why and how and examination of public sector leadership from different angles and focus on the roles of public sector leaders and available tools at their disposal to make a difference.


  •  Discussion on the various theories of leadership and how they relate to skills in the public sector
  • Discern the differences between Leadership and Management roles
  • Recognize the differences and opportunities that present themselves to Public sector leaders.
  • Analyze why leaders fail
  • Apply motivational methods to encourage performance
  • Develop a leadership roadmap for themselves and their organization


Idea bankers training award

Private, Public Partnership(P3) sourcing procourments

We offer specialized training programs. Here is the overview of our Leadership Certificate training: A five day professional development workshop for CEO, Managers and Elected officials.